About This Group

The Parish Finance Council is an advisory or consultative body to the Pastor in matters pertaining to the ordinary or extraordinary matters of financial administration. The Council is to share, with the Pastor, the responsibility for the prudent administration of parish financial affairs and to formulate policy and procedures in service to the effective management of parish assets. The Council is envisioned as a body of parishioners, known for their spiritual maturity and love of Christ, endowed with either special competence in financial matters or prudent judgment, who offer their time and talent as a Christian service to assist the Pastor in the development and management of the parish’s financial resources so that the parish may effectively pursue its mission of spreading Christ’s Gospel and love.

Who Can Join

The Parish Finance Council is comprised of the Pastor and at least five (5) other members, men and/or women, appointed by the Pastor for a renewable term of five years. The council members may be named to staggered terms so that all appointments will not cease at one time. Parish Finance Council members are appointed solely on the basis of their spiritual maturity and dedication and for their special competence in financial matters. The Finance Council should be, at least partially, comprised of individuals with backgrounds and/or knowledge of managing an institution’s financial affairs.


The Parish Finance Council meets at least quarterly. Meetings and agendas are arranged by the Chairperson in consultation and with the approval of the Pastor. The Pastor and all members are expected to attend all meetings.


Rev. Edmund Luciano, Pastor

Richard Anthony, Chair

Neil Towey

Steven Belanger

Anne Demesa

William Thomas

Melodie Sidun

John Lobosco

Ex Officio:


John 0’Sullivan

Thomas H. Donnelly

Contact Information

If you are interested in becoming a part of this organization or would like additional information, please contact:

Rev. Edmund Luciano, Pastor
(908) 756-0633  Ext 110
Email: eluciano@diometuchen.org